Empanadas, Ravioli And sorrentinos
The ML-150 is an automatic equipment for a signed Empanadas, Sorrentino, Ravioli, panini, and a host of products, starting from the dough sheet, thanks to its design takes up very little space minivan.

The dispenser, working vacuum, allows to adjust the dose of 15 to It produces approx. 2000 units of product per hour with 2 operators.
60 g, and the hopper may contain up to 30 liters of relleno. The ML-150 is built entirely in stainless steel and aluminum, it has the rellenos suitable for dosing can be of any type Jerky A KNIFE, VEGETABLES, HUMITA, ham and cheese, etc. Whenever your high technological to safety, health and hygiene. E s Acil cleaning thanks to our f innovador s ystem HISTEC (dry) allowing all accessories and machine parts can be easily removed and cleaned.
BASE IS WET WITH SOLIDS. On the other hand dispenser it is designed from the bacteriological point of view since it works without temperature, which avoids damaging the product, and Closing the molds can be constructed of two materials both approved generate suitable for reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms
by our HiSTec system can be built in high molecular weight plastic or aluminum. In any of t he two materials can realizarse different types of formats from empandas of copetín to rotiseras.
The ML-150 is ultimately designed to produce industrial products formally the highest quality quickly and efficiently.
- High production with only 2 operators 2000 U / H Small footprint
- It can be used with and without dosing
- The dispenser does not generate temperature
- Fillers allows wet base with suspended solids is easy to clean with our HiSTec system has dampening water requires minimal maintenance is Mobile
- Cadenas has no dangerous for operators Automatic
- Dispensing Automatic filling with flour dough
- No disks feedstock uses the dough sheet greater savings in raw materials are needed
- Matrix independent court to stamping giving as many formats possible
- Wide regulation of product touch screen operation with educational soft (has saved recipe) Possibility of cutting discs
(accessory) mass Distencionado Automatic tension control mass high-tech security - No uses compressed air to work (for the humidifier only) Includes egg dispenser (accessory) Easy cleaning thanks to our system HISTec
- Quick product change because it has a single matrix format. They can be incorporated letters and texts to set foot molds dosing Possibility manual / automatic / Combined High
production with two operators 2000 A / hour Maximum - Adjustable speed output of 60 A / 2000 A Time / Time

- Ravioli sorrentinos
- Paninis Products
- Sweet Tartines
IT INCLUDES: Maintenance Kit and Bank