Metalúrgica Vázquez is a company that has extensive experience in the design and manufacture of machinery for dough preparation, assembly of empanadas, sorrentinos, ravioli, cutting and stacking of dough discs, sheet forming and continuous laminating lines and pieces of high precision for different industries.
Metalúrgica Vázquez‘s main objective is to develop innovative solutions and improve its processes, prioritizing the satisfaction of the needs and requirements of clients, both current and potential.
The Management of Metalúrgica Vázquez considers that complying with and enforcing this Quality policy is the responsibility of all members of the organization.
The Quality Policy of Metalúrgica Vázquez is disseminated to all staff, through explanatory meetings and to clients and the community in general through its website: and other publications and is applied through compliance of the Objectives and requirements established by the Management System.
Tras un riguroso proceso de auditoría en el mes de febrero de 2016 logramos obtener la acreditación ISO 9001:2008 otorgado por TÜV Rheinhald Argentina SA bajo el alcance: “Diseño y fabricación de máquinas para la elaboración de masa, empanadas, sorrentinos, raviolones y discos de empanadas.”
La obtención de este reconocimiento se enmarca dentro de la política estratégica de la compañia que tiene como uno de sus objetivos principales la implantación de estándares de calidad que garanticen la excelencia de los productos y servicios.
Pasaje Cuba 729
B1868DOC Piñeyro,
Avellaneda, Buenos Aires
Rivero 337
B1868DOC Piñeyro,
Avellaneda, Buenos Aires
© Metalúrgica Vázquez S.A.